
GBD Innovation Club is an ecosystem that aims to bring together a wide range of stakeholders that contribute to the attractiveness of global business districts

Global Business Districts Innovation Club is a professional ecosystem of world business districts, its managing companies, urban planning authorities, and experts of related fields mobilizing resources to foster cooperation, encourage knowledge sharing, enhance dynamism, attractiveness, and the spirit of innovation, and compare inspiring methods among the world’s most influent tertiary places. Our mission is to help world business districts to identify local innovative ideas and transform them into operational projects with global meaning. GBD Innovation Club was founded in 2018 by:

  • Paris La Défense, France
  • Chicago Loop Alliance, USA
  • Beijing CBD, China
  • Montreal Destination Centre-Ville, Canada
  • Guangzhou, China

+ Our beliefs

Thanks to their unique assets, we believe business districts have the ability and the responsibility to be the new models of resilience, of inclusiveness, and of creativity of worldwide cities. That means reinventing their strategy of organization and development, rethinking the ways they are built up and can be used, and upgrading the services and the opportunities they offer to every user.

This is how they will be able to imagine new ethic forms of human organizations, create more diverse economic opportunities, implant more flexible working habits, develop more vibrant places, use more inclusive urban forms and build better connected districts. We believe that working together is the answer to meet the multiple challenges of global business districts in our changing world.

+ Our objectives

  • We help to explore the burning issues that we all face, employing diverse methodologies and various formats.
  • We offer to go beyond daily routine by associating our diverse members–pioneers, entrepreneurs, young talents or other experts—in order to identify challenges and further professional dialogue leading to innovative solutions.
  • We create an ideal environment to stimulate innovation and manage uncertainty with confidence.
  • We assist in finding innovative ideas and a fresh eye. When put in context, this will spawn the development of a new disruptive roadmap for global business districts.

+ Our methods

Collective Intelligence: we focus on collective, consensual decision making and bringing together larger groups of specialists to interact and collaborate

Networking: facilitating new connections to generate opportunities and disruptive learning

+ Who can join us?

  • Business districts
  • Business districts’ management companies
  • Urban development authorities
  • Real estate developers
  • Local governments
  • Public authorities
  • Small, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and corporations
  • Start-ups
  • Experts (architects, urban planners, engineers, data specialists, sociologists, etc.)
  • Users’ associations